Safety Excellence
Companies using Grant Management Consultants have discovered that a safe business is not only profitable, but that effective crisis management and injury prevention is achievable. Our safety solutions are shaped around working with employees to influence their everyday workplace practices. Grant Management Consultants solutions are focused around competency, behavior and systems, and are designed to work in conjunction with your current management systems. GGMC guides organisations to take a hands-on approach toward operations and has delivered programs across a range of industries including oil/gas, rail, construction, transport, manufacturing and mining. Key areas with demonstrated success include safety management system development & implementation, operational improvement strategic design post investigations and audits, leadership development/coaching and cultural/behavioural change programs. GGMC have significant exposure working across international borders throughout Asia and North America, and has also undertaken due diligence activities during acquisitions and mergers.
Safety Management Systems
The development and implementation of a robust Safety Program reduces risks to an organisation. A consistent approach will ensure that industry best practice is attained. Subsequently, our clients, particularly on major projects, turn to us to develop their Safety Management System. Our process includes developing annual safety plans and associated KPI's; and project safety plans. We can also conduct a review of current management systems against industry benchmarks, and provide advice on continuous improvement opportunities. We also offer a fully integrated digital platform for your Safety Management System, accessible from the 'cloud' via smartphones and computers, including incident reporting and management. We have partnered with an IT developer who provides a platform that includes the management of risk, customisable automated workflows and reporting, action tracking, injury & emergency management, in a simple, jargon free solution.
Safety Management System Review

Our clients frequently turn to us to provide an independent and impartial view on the effectiveness of their Safety Management System. A safety review, conducted by our Exemplar Global internationally accredited auditors, provides the opportunity to identify non-conformances to regulatory requirements, operational requirements and industry best practice. The review can be undertaken across the whole organisation, single sites, or contractors. A comprehensive report is provided identifying all detailed and system findings, a rating of the effectiveness of the Safety Management System, and the level of safety culture, together with recommendations and a corrective action plan.
Health Check
Our health check appraises the effectiveness of your operation with respect to conformance to regulatory and statutory requirements and accepted best practice relating to Health & Safety Management. The Safety Health Check aims to inform senior management of your company of the current status and maturity of the operation's safety management in support of the prioritisation and implementation of corrective action plans for the operation.
The scope of the health check deals primarily with Health and Safety and excludes a more comprehensive audit, investigation and analysis. It includes a safety culture maturity survey and a site assessment reviewing the WHS Management System, staff behaviours and competencies. The Health Check is free to most new clients (conditions apply) |
Provide strategic advice at organisational level on safety performance improvement opportunitiesStrategic advice on how to improve safety performance generally follows either a health check or WHS audit. Our consultants will work with your organisation in identifying improvement opportunities and strategies that a specifically developed to meet your needs.
Conduct on-site safety culture assessments and safety climate surveys
Our assessments involve the participants mapping the safety cultural maturity for their organisation that will form the basis of the development of the safety culture program. The research of Professor Patrick Hudson, Centre for Safety Studies, Leiden University, Holland, was adapted in order to provide a visual method of mapping the level of safety maturity an organisation has reached.
The aim of the research was to generate a theory based framework that could be used by organisations to understand their own safety culture. Hudson extended this research to the development of a matrix that reveals the indicative health and safety practices which occur in an organisation at each level of maturity. The Hudson matrix was adapted for utilisation in the program. Each participant will be asked to individually plot their view of client Systems Based Proactive Generative current safety practices against the Hudson matrix. The assessment can be undertaken using a range of platforms, including workshop based, computer based survey or interview based. We find that the results of the mapping exercise will also promote the ultimate realisation amongst participants that there is a need to change and that change should target a new culture. |